What Is A Favicon?

A favicon is simply the little icon that a site will display at the top of your browser window to help differentiate itself from the many other tabs you may have open in your browser. Its also another way for us as site creators to show our branding.

Favicon Icons In Chrome Tabs

When favicon’s were first introduced 16×16 pixels was the recommended size to use. However, with new devices and higher resolution screens these days the number of “preferred” sizes seems to be a little harder to nail down. From my experience the 16×16 is still a safe bet as every device that supports favicons will use that image but if you were say using a new Ipad with a retina display there will be a noticable image quality difference but I don’t feel at this time it justifies juggling multiple favicon sizes. WordPress currently recommends a favicon size of 512×512 [https://wordpress.com/go/tutorials/favicon-tips-making-your-site-stand-out].

How To Add A Favicon To Your WordPress Site

In the menu on the left of the WordPress dashboard screen, Select Appearance and then Customize.

Then Select ‘Site Identity’ and scroll down to ‘Site Icon’ and select the button to upload/select an image to use as your site’s favicon.