Building Niche Sites / Consuming Coffee / Tinkering With Tech

Category: Blog

Zombie dorkwriter checking in

Why has the site been down?

Well the short answer is that I have been busy the last couple of months and honestly this site was not a priority as it is really just my thoughts and those don’t pay the bills.

Slightly longer answer

I made a configuration change and didn’t have the interest in a) rolling back the change or b) figuring out what went wrong. I had been playing around with Cloudflare for a couple of my other sites and thought I should bring this site over as well but as it had a few more configurations than other sites it was not a seamless add. For now I plan on keeping everything in status quo until DNS has had time to sort itself out. Then at some point in the future I will properly roll out Cloudflare for this site as I want to be consistent across my portfolio of sites to prevent downtime in the future.

What Have I Been Up To?

Enjoying the warm weather in the southern US states. I am now back up north and already missing that beautiful Vitamin D. I have a renewed interest in this site in particular and with the whole publishing scene really. Happy to be back and can’t wait to get things rolling again.

Gathering Data…

A few quick wins for the night:

Overall nothing to yell to the stars about but I’m quite happy with getting something rather than nothing done. So far I’ve had a couple productive nights with more on the way. I was able to write and publish two articles on my finance site which keeps me on schedule. I also managed to get another one of my travel site ideas roughly setup (domain, wordpress, theme, page templates, etc…). The travel site niche is probably plenty saturated but it’s my current passion so I figure it’s worth a go if nothing else to have a place to publish travel blog content for my own use.

For the site I noticed that I had apparently neglected to properly setup the Time Zone so my article published times were off considerably from when they were actually published. No harm no foul but I made the update and will need to make sure my new site outline gets updated to check this on sites going forward. Novice mistake, but I’m a novice in this arena so I’ll take it as a lesson to note and do better going forward.

What’s in a name?

Well it’s now a more decent hour on Friday so time to get started on that pile of content I planned to create today! Or I could come up with cool sounding project names for all of my websites. We all know which way this day is heading…

I think the idea to name my sites came from a video I watched a while ago of a fellow niche site builder who started creating awesome names to distinguish her blogs during her income report youtube videos. I rather liked the idea of each of my sites to have their own distinctive personalities instead of constantly referring to the site based on their specific niche. “King B” is so much more fun to say than “Political Niche Site One”.

Choosing themed names has always been a fun activity when setting up routers and I can see the same wordplay fun easily transferring to naming niche sites as well. My old router used to be “Nacho Router”, with the separate frequencies divided into “Nacho Router Mild” for Guest Access & Nacho Router Hot for Personal 5Ghz access.

Although it may take me a minute or two to settle on my new site project names (to be announced soon). I think the one I won’t have to think of much will be the project name for this site dorkwriter. Fellow niche site creators of the Matrix, let me introduce you to this site’s new project nickname: “Project Dark Helmet”.

Time Keeps Slipping Into The Future

How in the world can it already be the middle of September? I think sometimes I try to avoid sleep these days just to have a little more time in this world before it all slips away.


Well another day done and another just starting. I’m once again working on the dorkwriter site to further tweak it to my liking or at least that was the premise. In reality, I’m letting the monkey drive for awhile as this site just seems more fun at the moment.

If your looking for deep insights for the blog section of this site I would suggest to mosey on further down the line as this is probably more in line with a dumping ground of thoughts, ideas, and links to anything that currently has my attention.

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