A few quick wins for the night:

Overall nothing to yell to the stars about but I’m quite happy with getting something rather than nothing done. So far I’ve had a couple productive nights with more on the way. I was able to write and publish two articles on my finance site which keeps me on schedule. I also managed to get another one of my travel site ideas roughly setup (domain, wordpress, theme, page templates, etc…). The travel site niche is probably plenty saturated but it’s my current passion so I figure it’s worth a go if nothing else to have a place to publish travel blog content for my own use.

For the dorkwriter.com site I noticed that I had apparently neglected to properly setup the Time Zone so my article published times were off considerably from when they were actually published. No harm no foul but I made the update and will need to make sure my new site outline gets updated to check this on sites going forward. Novice mistake, but I’m a novice in this arena so I’ll take it as a lesson to note and do better going forward.