Why has the site been down?

Well the short answer is that I have been busy the last couple of months and honestly this site was not a priority as it is really just my thoughts and those don’t pay the bills.

Slightly longer answer

I made a configuration change and didn’t have the interest in a) rolling back the change or b) figuring out what went wrong. I had been playing around with Cloudflare for a couple of my other sites and thought I should bring this site over as well but as it had a few more configurations than other sites it was not a seamless add. For now I plan on keeping everything in status quo until DNS has had time to sort itself out. Then at some point in the future I will properly roll out Cloudflare for this site as I want to be consistent across my portfolio of sites to prevent downtime in the future.

What Have I Been Up To?

Enjoying the warm weather in the southern US states. I am now back up north and already missing that beautiful Vitamin D. I have a renewed interest in this site in particular and with the whole publishing scene really. Happy to be back and can’t wait to get things rolling again.