Well September flew by and honestly I had great momentum at the start of the month but my progress ended with more of a whimper than a bang this month. However, I do have good starting positions on a couple of the sites and I feel recharged to get on a better content schedule to put some numbers on the board for October.

Current Site Stats

#Project Code NameNotesArticle Count
1Project “Dark Helmet”This Blog7
2Project “Wanderlust”Travel Site0
3Project “Money In Motion”Personal Finance Site3
4Project “Belly”Food Niche3
5Project “Life”Family Adventures Blog0
6Project “Zootopia”Animal Site0

General Site Information

  • All Sites are running on WordPress
  • I am not currently running any premium themes but I am using the free versions of GeneratePress, OceanWP, and Astra. Since I’m still rather new to WordPress in general I wanted to get a feel for a couple of different themes as I assume as time goes on I will start to favor certain themes.

Other News

So I fell into a slight deep dive into Medium.com about mid-month and for some reason decided to start writing on that platform as well. I don’t think this is something that I will continue in the long term but I have enjoyed connecting with other Niche Site builders and reading about their journeys. However, every minute spent on that site takes away from my core objective of building up niche sites so I’m adding Medium back to the back burner for October and pushing forward on content as that is what my sites need most right now.